SHIRAISHI is my surname.

PDF of biography
University of Tokyo
Graduate Schools for Law and Politics
Research Interests
- competition law (antitrust)
- how to teach introduction to law
Single-authored papers in English include:
- “Competition Law Sanctions in Japan”, Tihamer Tóth (ed.), The Cambridge Handbook of Competition Law Sanctions (Cambridge University Press, 2022), pp.500-519
- “Procedural Fairness in Japan: Administrative Fines as a Window”, D. Daniel Sokol & Andrew T. Guzman (eds.), Antitrust Procedural Fairness (Oxford University Press, 2019), pp.131-147
- “The Exploitative Abuse Prohibition: Activated by Modern Issues”, Antitrust Bulletin Vol. 62(4) 737-751 (2017), webpage of the publisher
- “Customer Location and the International Reach of National Competition Laws”, Japanese Yearbook of International Law, Vol. 59 (2016)(published in 2017), pp. 202-215, PDF
- “Patent Assertion Entities and Competition Law in Japan”, D. Daniel Sokol (ed.), Patent Assertion Entities and Competition Policy (Cambridge University Press, 2017), pp.162-176
- “Commitment decisions in the Japanese context”
Note for the 125th meeting of OECD Competition Committee
DAF/COMP/WD(2016)54 (June 2016), OECD
For a list with other works and conference activities:
- info_stjp % me $ com (Replace % by @, and replace $ by dot)
- Foreign candidates for the University of Tokyo Graduate Schools for Law and Politics are advised to contact the Schools' officer. Direct e-mails to me from those candidates would not be responded nor forwarded.